
April 29, 2015

Anna Faris, Tituss Burgess and James Corden Eat Gourmet Foods...Made With Bugs—Watch Now!

Warning: This isn't for the faint of heart.

Foodies are always looking for the latest trend in recipes, so often we're inundated with buzzwords such as "gluten free" and "kefir." But Chef David George Gordon is taking trendy food to another preparing gourmet dishes with bugs as the main source of protein.

You ready that right...BUGS.

Naturally, The Late Late Show host James Corden was fascinated with Gordon's work, so he brought the chef on his show Tuesday where he, Anna Faris and Tituss Burgess could enjoy some of his notable recipes. Grasshopper kebabs (teriyaki marinated, of course), ants on a log (with real ants, not raisins) and cockroaches with goat cheese were just some sample combinations Gordon made for the actors.

Surprisingly enough, the group was more than willing to try most of the recipes! Burgess opted to skip the ants on a log, saying, "I like to eat, but damn!"

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James Corden, Anna Faris, Tituss Burgess, Chef David George Gordon, Eating Bugs
James Corden, Anna Faris, Tituss Burgess, Chef David George Gordon, Eating Bugs YouTube

The others were more than willing to chomp on the alternative to the classic kids' snack as soon as they heard ants "increase sexual vigor."

No matter how grossed out you, or these stars, might be, Gordon insisted that everything he cooks up is delicious.

"I wouldn't serve it if it wasn't good," he said. We're still skeptical. As a man who cooks and eats pretty much everything, is there anything that the chef won't eat? Calf's liver!

"That's where I draw the line," he confessed. Oh, that's where you draw it?!

We have to give Burgess, Faris and Corden some serious credit because they really were willing to eat everything...including deep-fried tarantulas. Yes, the British talk show host had to take a tarantula, marinate it in batter and then drop it in a deep fryer.

"The only trick is to make sure the legs are spread out," Gordon explained. Again, is that the only thing we have to worry about?! Once the arachnoids were done frying, the chef recommended putting "a little smoked paprika...for color mostly."

Out of everyone in the group, however, Faris was probably the most comfortable around the insects because she is known for her dead bug collection. In fact, she and now-husband Chris Prattinitially bonded over their own collections and ultimately combined them after they got married in 2009. 

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