
October 22, 2016

Swedish Fish is Pa.'s favorite Halloween candy? You've got to be kidding


This must be a trick., a site that describes itself as a "community of over 2 million social savvy shoppers," says it surveyed 40,000 of its members to determine the favorite Halloween trick-or-treat candy in the nation.

Nationally, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups  came in at No. 1 — a likely choice and one we're inclined to believe.


What is your favorite Halloween candy?

But the state-by-state list of favorites has to have you scratching your head.

Consider Pennsylvania, home of Hershey's Chocolate, the makers of said Reese's Peanut Cup. Influenster says Swedish Fish, a confection made in Canada by a global conglomerate, is the No. 1 trick-or-treat favorite in the Keystone State. Really.

And as for New Jersey, home of the makers of M&Ms and Snickers, Influenster says the No. 1 Halloween treat is Sour Patch Kids, whatever they are.

We are, in a word, dumbfounded and reminded once again you cannot believe everything on the Internet.


After 24 hours of our own un-scientific poll, 73 percent of respondants agreed with our assessment that Pennsylvanians prefer "Anything Else" over Swedish Fish.

Then, the mathematic minds over at went a step further.  They found out the methodology for's rankings and declared it to be, officially and infuriatingly, bogus.

The analysis is both funny and informative, and provides a good lesson in statistics to make your kids master before they dive into that bag of Halloween candy next week.

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