
April 21, 2015

Find Out The Date of Jon Stewart's Final Daily Show, Also Known As The Day The Tears Begin

Jon Stewart, The Daily Show
Jon Stewart, The Daily Show Comedy Central

It's the moment none of us wanted to be waiting for.

Jon Stewart just announced on this evening's show that his final episode of The Daily Show will air on August 6, meaning we now have less than four months left with the man we have come to think of as our comedy news dad.

While we may be the only ones who actually think of him as that, it's still going to be a tough day for all of us. If we start now, maybe we'll be prepared by the time the episode finally airs.

While there's still quite a bit of time for the specifics of that final, sure-to-be-epic episode to be worked out, Stewart had a couple of assurances. "I will be wearing a suit. I will more than likely be showered," he said, but then took that back at the studio audience's boos. "I'm sorry, I'll be wearing overalls and I won't shower."

Whatever he's wearing, we probably won't be able to see it through the waterfall of tears that will no doubt be streaming down our faces.

Watch the full announcement below, and then join us in the comments for a quick session of mourning. 

WATCH: Jon Stewart addresses his retirement on The Daily Show

While there's still quite a bit of time for the specifics of that final, sure-to-be-epic episode to be worked out, Stewart had a couple of assurances. "I will be wearing a suit. I will more than likely be showered," he said, but then took that back at the studio audience's boos. "I'm sorry, I'll be wearing overalls and I won't shower."

Whatever he's wearing, we probably won't be able to see it through the waterfall of tears that will no doubt be streaming down our faces.

No word yet on when Stewart's replacement, Trevor Noah, will be taking over. 

Watch the full announcement below, and then join us in the comments for a quick session of mourning. 

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CLICK: Daily Show Correspondents: Where are they now? 

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