
September 30, 2014

Rita Ora: String Bean, Asparagus or Cold-Pressed Green Juice? See the Crazy Green Look!

Rita Ora AKM-GSI

Green is certainly a power color among the celebrity set. It's the shade of healthy morning juices, lush outdoor patios, avocado mud masks and all of the healthiest vegetables.

Apparently Rita Ora loves those leaf-colored things so much that she decided to dress like one! Given the shade, we think the "R.I.P" singer was going for a kale/spinach mixture, but we're not so sure.

Monochromatic looks aren't a fashion fail on their own, but they are if the color is atrocious. Imagine this pants and top combo in black, white, or even a tasteful maroonand it's perfectly fine. There's the boyfriend's high school football jersey effect given the mesh-like top, but we could easily excuse that style.

Instead this British beauty looks like the love child of the Jolly Green Giant and Kermit the Frog. And in the case of this color choice, it is not easy being green.

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